Volta - FAQ´s

Does a permanently deviating voltage have an influence on the operation of an air heater or heating element?

Volta air heaters and heating elements are designed for the appropriate supply voltage according to requirements and customer requirements.

As with other electrical devices, short-term fluctuations are possible within the usual framework of normal mains supply.

In the event of permanent deviations or a permanently different level with a lower or higher voltage, the operation of the electric heating element results in a disproportionately different power (P=U²/R) due to the fixed resistance.

Especially in the case of permanent voltage increases or level shifts, the unplanned higher output in connection with insufficient heat consumption can lead to greater wear and destruction of the heating elements.

In the event of problems with overheating, the voltage level must therefore always be checked and, if necessary, adjusted to the setpoints.

Last update on 2023-07-20 by Florian Dill.

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